No E3 videos until next week

June 7th, 2012 by

YouTube uploading from our hotel is slow to the point that it would take longer than we have to sleep at night to upload even a small, 3 minute gameplay video.  We will have a ton of great gameplay videos up for many of the games that we played at E3 this week, but it will have to wait until we get home safe and sound to our 50 Mbit/s connection. 

This is a mixed blessing, though, as now it frees me up to start posting impressions articles about the games we’ve played/viewed over the last two days.  To ease in posting and allow me to post more of them, I’m not going to bother with giving them nice header images until next week as well.

Sorry for the disappointing lack of non-picture coverage of E3 this week, I assure you everything in our power is being done to try and remedy this situation as early as possible.

Thanks for bearing with us,
